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Creating Content with WordPress

  1. Add Pages and Posts: WordPress allows you to create static pages (like an About or Contact page) and dynamic blog posts. To add a new page or post, navigate to the "Pages" or "Posts" section in the WordPress dashboard and click on "Add New."

  2. Formatting Content: WordPress provides a user-friendly editor (we used Classic Editor, and you can install the plugin on your WordPress Dashboard) that allows you to format your content. You can add headings, bold or italicize text, create lists, insert images, and more. Experiment with the different formatting options available.

  3. Using Categories and Tags: Categories and tags help organize your content and make it easier for visitors to find relevant information. Assign appropriate categories and tags to your posts to improve navigation and SEO.

  4. Publishing and Updating Content: When ready, click the "Publish" button to make your page or post live on your website. You can edit and update your content later by accessing the respective page or post from the dashboard.

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