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  4. How to Fix 'The Link You Followed Has Expired' Error

How to Fix 'The Link You Followed Has Expired' Error

This error occurs when the file being uploaded exceeds the server's configured limit or when the PHP settings restrict the maximum upload size. In this beginner's guide, we will explore common causes of this error and provide step-by-step solutions to help you resolve it.

Increase the maximum upload file size limit

The first step is to increase the maximum upload file size limit in WordPress. This can be done by editing the PHP configuration file called php.ini. Locate the php.ini file in your server's root directory or reach out to your hosting provider to assist you in finding it. Look for the 'upload_max_filesize' and 'post_max_size' directives and increase their values to the desired limit. Save the changes to the file and restart your server if necessary.

Modify the .htaccess file

If you don't have access to the php.ini file, you can modify the .htaccess file to increase the upload file size limit. Using a text editor, open the .htaccess file in your WordPress root directory. Add the following lines at the beginning or end of the file:

php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
php_value post_max_size 64M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300

Adjust the values (64M, 256M, 512M) according to your requirements. Save the changes to the file and try uploading the file again.

Utilize a plugin to increase file upload limits

If modifying the PHP configuration files manually seems overwhelming, you can use a WordPress plugin to increase the file upload limits. Popular plugins like "Increase Maximum Upload File Size" or "Upload Max File Size" allow you to adjust these limits through the WordPress admin dashboard. Install and activate the plugin, navigate to its settings, and follow the instructions to increase the maximum file upload size.

Compress large files before uploading

If you frequently encounter the error while uploading large files, consider compressing them before uploading. Compressed files take up less space and are less likely to trigger the file size limits. You can use file compression tools like WinRAR, 7-Zip, or macOS's built-in compression tool to create compressed archives. Once compressed, upload the files to WordPress.

Use FTP to upload large files

If the above solutions don't work, you can bypass the file upload limit by using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Connect to your server using an FTP client like FileZilla or Cyberduck. Locate the "wp-content/uploads" directory and upload your files directly to that folder. Once uploaded, you can access and manage the files from the WordPress media library.

By following the step-by-step solutions provided in this beginner's guide, you can overcome this error and successfully upload or update files in WordPress. Remember to choose the method that suits your comfort level and ensure you comply with the server's resources and limitations.

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