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  4. A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Redirects with the Redirection Plugin

A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Redirects with the Redirection Plugin

Running a successful online business requires constant attention and efficient management. As an ambitious, professional, and busy WordPress user, you understand the importance of streamlining processes while maintaining quality control over your 24/7 website. That's where PrettyWP comes in – as experts in WordPress website management and support, we're here to guide you through setting up redirects on your WordPress site using the powerful Redirection plugin.

Understanding Why You Need Redirects

Before diving into the setup process, let's quickly discuss why redirects are essential for any thriving online business. Whether updating old URLs or redirecting traffic from one page to another during redesigns or rebranding efforts - redirects ensure that visitors always land at their intended destination without encountering frustrating dead ends.

So how do you go about setting up these handy shortcuts? Here’s our step-by-step guide:

Install and Activate the Redirection Plugin

First, head to your WordPress dashboard and locate "Plugins." Click on "Add New" from this menu before typing "Redirection" into the search bar. Once found (it'll likely have hundreds of thousands of installs because, let's be honest – it rocks), click “Install,” followed by “Activate.”

Add Your Redirects

Now that you've got Redirection up and running, open its settings page located under Tools ➡️ Redirection in your sidebar. Time-saving tip alert 🚨 Bookmark this link! And finish the setup by clicking on "Start Setup."

To add a new redirect rule like a pro 👩‍💻👨‍💻💻, focus on three key fields:

- Source URL: The old address needs redirecting.
- Target URL: Where users should land after clicking an outdated link.
- Group (optional but helpful): To categorize similar types of redirects—think blog posts vs categories.

Remember those outdated blog posts that still receive organic traffic? Redirect them to your latest and greatest content! Or perhaps you've recently changed the structure of your website, resulting in broken links. No worries – redirect those too!

As busy professionals ourselves 😓 (we understand!), having options makes life easier, right? Well, then, good news because with Redirection Plugin comes choices galore, including different redirection methods such as HTTP code options - 301, 302, and even custom ones. Select the most appropriate option for your needs.

Test Your Redirects

After setting up a redirect (or a few), giving them a quick test drive before going live is always wise! To do that:

- Open an incognito or private browsing window – because now you're in stealth mode 🕵️‍♂️.
- Copy and paste the old URL into your browser's address bar.
- Voila! If everything goes according to plan, you should land safely on the designated target page.

Congratulations 😃 You've successfully set up redirects with Redirection Plugin!

Streamlining processes through simple yet powerful tools like this plugin allows you to focus more time on other crucial aspects of running your websites without missing out on quality control. Remember – efficiency is key when juggling multiple tasks every day 💪🌟.

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